It's difficult to pronounce SQL, let alone write it well. (Silly Sunday 2023-01-29)

Other than in "SQL Server", why do people pronounce SQL generically as 'Sequel'?

I don't correct people on it, not least because it seems to be one of those things that are more a matter of preference than absolute (like whether you CONtribute to something, or conTRIBute) and isn't obviously wrong.

Still grates though (although not as much as people saying "S-Q-L Server"!)

Ultimately though, if pronouncing it correctly seems hard, it's nowhere near as hard as writing decent SQL code. It's deceptively easy -- a few "introduction to SQL" courses and posts can have you on your way to thinking you'll be a primo data analyst in no time (LinkedIn is rife with this lately) -- but it's a different beast to write robust, performant, scalable code that is also easy to maintain and integrate with.

One of my favourite insults though is that "this looks like it was written by someone who can't even spell SQL, let alone write it". Of course when I say this, the letters S-Q-L are spelled out!